Monday, May 5, 2008

Thank You Natalie! I am Honored!

Today, I was so touched to receive a Kind Blogger Award from Natalie! Thank you so much, Natalie! Your kind words thrill my heart because they affirm my reasons for beginning this blog. First, to be an encouragement to others. Second, to provide a tool by which I could express the joy and gratitude that flow from my heart because of Jesus. = ) Something I hadn't anticipated was how much I would be encouraged, challenged and blessed by so many of YOU! Natalie, I'd love to give this award right back to you. You've been so kind and helpful, such a wonderful example of grace and God's love!

I'd also like to pass along the honor to these very deserving, kind friends...

Becky (Frumpmama) – Becky faithfully encourages me with her comments. Her posts can make me laugh out loud and warm my heart. I really admire her gift for finding humor in just about any situation!

Connie (Little Red Hearts from God) – Connie was the first person ever to leave a comment on my blog, and she did so with an offer to pray. She is an incredibly kind and caring soul.

Elaine (Peace for the Journey) – Elaine's amazing gifts of writing and teaching God’s words are surpassed only by her kind and caring heart. She has encouraged me, prayed for me and spoken truth to my heart.

Tiffany (Tea with Tiffany) – Tiffany's grateful and compassionate heart is shown in every post, and every comment. Her desire to serve others is always an inspiration.

Congratulations ladies!

With prayers of gratitude for you and your friendship... = )



  1. Awww, Tracy, thank you so much for your kind words. I feel honored!

    Thank you bunches!

  2. Tracy:
    Thank you so much for the recognition. Undeserving, considering I've only known you for such a short time. I cannot even begin to tell you about the joy that has come into my life because of my blogging experiences thus far! Along the way, I've encountered brilliant humorists, good journaling, profound teaching, thought provoking pictures, and some kindred spirits.

    You are all and more of each of these to me. You've encouraged my heart with your words, and I am blessed for having you in my life. Thanks for the acknowledgement. I am humbled by the thought, and considering I've never really won too much in my life, I'd better print this one off for framing.


  3. Praise God for making you such a blessing to many others!

    You are surely an encouragement to many of us and your blog is a testimony of your joyful and thankful heart to God.

    May God's every blessings be with you and family!

    Take care and have a blessed week.

  4. How sweet... thank you...

    I am going to start back blogging...

    things keep happening..

    right now, my hubby is in the hospital and is about to have surgery.... so soon...I'll be back

    thanks again, I am humbled...


  5. Tracy,

    Thank you for the award. I don't know what to say as I am without words. Who knew a writer is wordless? But I am. I am touched by your sweet words about me. I ditto the award back to you.

    Thank you for taking the time to uplift many in this award post. You are giving life to others with your words.

    I hope to get back to blogging regularly again. Our house guests left for two weeks and will be back for a week after that. I'm a bit off and behind with other deadlines.

    Please know I value your comments and your heart.

    Hugs from Colorado Springs,

  6. Deserving ladies... for sure!
    What a gift all of you are to so many of us in blogland!!! I am amazed daily how God is using blogging to connect women (and men) who otherwise might not ever meet in person (in this earthly life that is...) Praising Him for all of you gals today!

  7. Congratulations on your award!!! Much deserved!

    I just realized that your posts are not showing up in my google reader, for some reason...I've been missing out!

    I'm off to try to figure it out... :)


  8. ok...I fixed it! Also, I'm adding you to my blogroll...I thought you were already on it!?! I think blogger is messing with me.... ;)


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!