Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

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  1. Wow that is a powerful verse!!! Also I just love the picture you used!

  2. Beautiful! Oh, how I need His Word in the morning to get me going. To remember that no matter what my day holds... that His love for me is unfailing. To lift up my soul to Him and know that He takes care of it. AND... Daisies are my absolute favorite.

    Thanks so much for sharing this today.

  3. The image of the flower against the blue background was startling and perfect...I love how the colors just flow and it was exactly like the soul being lifted out of darkness into the safe warmth of our Father's hands.

  4. Just stopping in to say THANKS for the sweet comment you left at my blog! I'm wanting to say it's nice to "meet" you, but I'm not sure that this is the first time I've been here? (I'm a bit loopy.. LOL!)

    Anyway.. I LOVE the graphic you used - the scripture too! Hoping you have a WONDERFUL day!

  5. The daisy goes perfectly with this verse! Awesome!

  6. Great...great...verse.

    I LOVE the daisy. So pretty.


  7. Love the picture, Tracy! The verse speaks to me, too. Especially the part "...for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go..." It's an almost daily prayer for me right now. I want to see the way He wants me to go. I want to feel at peace wherever that may be. As I turn it over and trust in Him, I definitely feel His unfailing love.

    Happy WFW!

  8. Hi Tracy,
    WOW what a beeeeautiful FLOWER and WORD!! I am going to MEMORIZE that verse and write it on the tablet of my heart.

  9. The Word is new to me each time I read it! Thanks for sharing this Word from the Lord, especially for me today!

    Thanks, too, for visiting Extravagant Grace!


  10. A very peaceful picture, and one of my favorite verses. I used to keep that verse on my frig and read it every morning when I was getting breakfast! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Hey, Tracy!

    Thanks for all of your encouraging comments last week! It has been a crazy time, so even though I haven't been good about replying, the comments have brought me much needed encouragement! So, thank you!

    Anyway, I love this verse!!!!!! I have a special story that goes with it. When I was pregnant with Aaron, my doctor felt like she should induce me 10 days early (he was measuing big, I have a history of going QUICKLY, he was my 4th....) But, the night before, I tossed and turned, up all night...I questioned our decision. I wondered if I was "playing God." So, I got up about 5 AM, went to my Bible, and opened up to this verse! It was a beautiful morning, bright sunshine, even that early, and I felt such a peace. He spoke this right to my heart- I had put my trust in Him and the morning brought me word of His unfailing love for me. I knew He would take care of me and the baby. I knew He would show me the way I should go (and He did- we induced). Aaron was born a few hours later at almost 10 lbs!!!!! I knew He had been watching over me.

    Sorry this is such a long comment! Thanks for all of your sweet encouragement, my friend.

    Many blessings,

  12. Oh that is so beautiful. What a wonderful way to illustrate this verse. Have a wonderful week...

  13. OH.....I LOVE this!!! I love the verse and I love the pic~~
    It just speaks to me!!!

    You are blessing us today!!

  14. Love the verse and it is very meaningful to me on this day. I have put my trust in God and I earnestly desire for Him to show me the way to go.

    I love the daisy. One of my very favorite flowers thus the reason I have a pink daisy as my blog header. The crisp white, yellow center, and bright blue, is gorgeous...lovely visual of our God. It kind of looks like the words are coming out of the daisy like the daisy is singing!

    In Him,
    Come visit me to see what God did for me today in my pity party. :-)

  15. Tracy,

    I love this picture and verse. This is one of my favourite Bible verses. Thank God that He guides us with His Words as we look to Him daily! His faithfulness and lovingkindness are new every morning. Praise Him!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Every blessings,

  16. I just wanted to come by and say thanks for the comment on my blog. AND... yes, I am a "Wednesdays with Beth" fan. Watch it every week. Love it too. I have actually purchased some of her DVDs and CDs from there.

    Thanks again, Lynn

  17. how pretty that is.. i love the movement in fits so well!

    God Bless you!

  18. Beautiful. What an amazing verse and the picture compliments it nicely

  19. Thank you for your sweet comments.
    I was truly Blessed by reading your WFW the verse you chose lifted me up when I needed it.
    Thank you for visiting me. I am looking forward to reading your blog.

  20. Perfect illustration for this verse!

  21. Hi, Thank you for coming over and visiting me. I love the verse and illustration you chose too. It does just lift you up.
    Come and see me again soon and thanks for leaving a comment!
    Have a Blessed Friday.

  22. I love daisys!!! ... Love the verse...


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!