Friday, June 27, 2008

The Lord is our Strength!

After reading words from so many about the incredible growth and blessings associated with “She Speaks,” it comes as no surprise that many of these women and their families have come under attack from the Enemy this week. In the midst of our faith mountaintops, there is often a twinge of the bittersweet, in the realization of the eventual, inevitable valley. God undoubtedly used last weekend to strengthen and encourage these women in preparation for what was to come. I couldn’t help but think of them as I read my Streams in the Desert devotion for today. While much has already been said of “stillness,” I am compelled to share...

Summon your power, O God; show us your strength. (Psalm 68:28)

The Lord imparts to me the underlying strength of character that gives me the necessary energy and decision-making ability to live my life. He strengthens me “with power through his Spirit in [my] inner being.” (Eph. 3:16). And the strength he gives is continuous, for He is a source of power I cannot exhaust.

“Your strength will equal your days” (Deut. 33:25) – my strength of will, affection, judgment, ideals and achievement will last a lifetime.

“The LORD is my strength” (Ex. 15:2) to go on. He gives me the power to walk the long, straight and level path, even when the monotonous way has no turns or curves offering pleasant surprises and when my spirit is depressed with the terrible drudgery.

“The LORD is my strength” (Ex. 15:2) to go up. He is my power to climb the straight and narrow path up the Hill of Difficulty, as Christian did in Pilgrim’s Progress, and not be afraid.

“The LORD is my strength” (Ex. 15:2) to go down. It is often once I leave the invigorating heights, where the wind and sunlight have surrounded me, and begin to descend to the more confining, humid, and stifling heat of the valley below that my heart grows faint. In fact, I recently heard someone say, referring to his own increasing physical frailty, “It is coming down that tires me most!”

“The LORD is my strength” (Ex. 15:2) to sit still. And what a difficult accomplishment this is! I often say to others during those times when I am compelled to be still, “If only I could do something!” I feel like the mother who stands by her sick child but is powerless to heal. What a severe test! Yet to do nothing except to sit still and wait requires tremendous strength.

“The LORD is my strength!” “Our competence comes from God” (2 Cor. 3:5)

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It is my prayer this this may strengthen and encourage you today, whether you find yourself on the mountaintop or in the valley. May you rest on His strength alone. He is ever faithful.


  1. Hi Tracy,
    I just popped over from Kelley's blog...I just read this devotion today too in my Streams...and the part about He gives me strength to go on really met me where I am at right now with work.
    Thank you for posting this today!

  2. Thanks Tracy,
    I really appreciate your prayers and encouragement. It is so easy to forget where our strength comes from and to slide into the valley of hopelessness. It is also easy to try to walk in our own strength when things are going well. I am guilty of both in some way or another. What a wonderful gift this post is to me today, you are a blessing!

  3. I just knew it. As I read your words about the ladies who attended SheSpeaks and now their attacks, I just knew you were going to quote Streams. How? Because I read it this morning. I particularly liked the last two paragraphs...I thought of the ladies when it spoke of coming down from the mountaintop experience. And then I thought of a friend when it spoke of the stillness. As the friend is enduring something out of her hands and out of her control.

    I even brought my Streams to work so I could send the last paragragh to her in an email.

    So neat how the Spirit works in like-minded believers.

    Not to mention, the Streams passage spoke to me regarding the parts "to go on" and "to be still."
    Thanks, Tracy.

  4. I tried to find your email to send this to you directly but couldn't. I saw your comment on Lelia's blog and she is the "friend" I referenced above. I had holy bumps when I read your comment. I hope that Lelia feels those holy bumps when she reads my email and sees God speaking to her through the two of us through this one entry in Streams.
    Truly Amazing. I'm fully confident the Lord will reign and provide for her.

  5. I love the verses you shared about strength!

  6. Thanks for the complaiment. Thought I'd try something new. :)

  7. Tracy,thanks for your post on my blog...I really enjoyed your London Fog jacket story, I left a story for you in a similar vein under your comment!

  8. Very beautiful I related so well to this. Thank you

  9. Very good thoughts on "The Lord is my strength." And I love the scripture, "The joy of the Lord is my strength.'

    I was wondering if you have any update on your mother-in-law, Millie?


  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Tracy,

    Thanks for sharing this. Thank God that He is our strength through all the changing scenes in life!

    Thanks for your visit and encouragement. Thank God for strengthening me. May God keep you and yours near to Him.

  12. Thanks so much for the update on Millie. For some reason she has been put on my heart and I will continue praying. .


    p.s. As I was writing, the following quote came to my mind:

    "God moves in a mysterious way
    His wonders to perform"

    I looked it up and found that it came from William Cowper's,
    "Light Shining Out of Darkness"


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!