Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

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  1. I love this verse, and lovely picture.

  2. By the grace of God, we are saved :) Thank you for visiting my blog & for your lovely comments! :) Happy WFW!

  3. Love, love, love this verse. That he ALWAYS intercedes for me... not just that, but he LIVES to intercede for us. That's just awesome stuff!

  4. Tracy,

    Love the photo and verse. So very true.


  5. What an amazing verse.
    Always! Completely!
    We should really be encouraged with this thought...

  6. You did a great job with this picture and verse!! It is sooo pretty!

    I also enjoyed reading about the special Dad's in your life (in the previous post). You are so lucky to have such wonderful men surrounding you. And I'll bet your son will turn into a great Dad as well, since he has such good role models to follow.

    Enjoy your day.....

  7. Tracy, this was awesome...

    What a precious promise to cling to, and stand on.

    Thanks for sharing this with us today.

    Don't know if I signed below, but I loved your Father's Day post!!


  8. Lovely verse.
    Lovely photo.
    Lovely friend.

  9. Praising Him for the intercession...and for your sweet heart in posting this beautiful picture and verse.

  10. Hi Tracy,
    I think I forget sometimes that Jesus actually intercedes on our behalf. ~ I just wrote that verse down for people who don't understand "being saved." Different religeons believe differently, but this verse says it all. SAVED COMPLETELY! WHOOhOoO
    I too loved the pics of your Father's day tribute. Looks like your son has fine examples. God bless you ALL.

  11. Hi, Tracy. You know, it is verses like this that just makes me stop and stand in amazement all that God has done and continues to do for each one of us. God doesn't just intercede for each of us, but He LIVES to intercede for us. So amazing!

    Happy WFW!

  12. Beautiful and powerful verse and picture! Thanks for sharing.

  13. One of my favorite visuals for prayer time. Really, knowing that Jesus lives to intercede for me transformed the way I pray. what comfort to know that my Jesus sits at the right hand of our Father and utters our prayers (even when we don't know what to pray) on our behalf.


  14. I just love knowing He intercedes on our behalf! The arrangement for it is lovely, too.

  15. Jesus - our ultimate intercessor! He is there always interceding... Glory!

  16. Thanks for the reminder that Jesus is able to save COMPLETELY!! I needed to remember that for a situation with a family member... thanks!

  17. Oh I love this verse and I'm so thankful for it's amazing truth! He is able to save a mess like me and to complete the work He started in me because He lives to intercede for me! Oh, thank you LoRD!!!!

    That's a beautiful picture too!

  18. i don't remember reading this.. thank you for posting it today!

  19. Tracy,

    Thank you for praying and checking on Jan and our family so faithfully. Blogging has become or is becoming very powerful in reaching and/or touching so many that might not have been reached or touched otherwise or before. There have been a lot of people praying for my sister that we haven't met YET. Who knows if we will meet here on earth, but we will some day in Heaven.

    Unfortunately, Satan uses the internet to do harm, but do you think he would have thought about just the Christian women using the internet/blogs to bring such Praise, Honor and Glory to our God?

    In no way, did we ever think we would have traveled down this road with someone in our family with brain cancer. Any other type would not have surprised me, but this did. Supposedly it is RARE. I beg to differ. But that is not my point. We can't and will not question WHY Jan has to endure this hardship. We are safe in knowing that there is a reason. We most likely will not know what it is until we reach Heaven and then it probably won't matter. I can say, I'm a better person today because of the outpouring of love and prays, and just genuine care and concern which has been extended to all of us.

    So, Tracy, thank you. May the Lord continue to richly bless you.



I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!