Monday, July 28, 2008

Just for Fun - 6 Random Things ☺

I was tagged twice just a few hours apart by Katlynn of Mirror? and Kay Martin of Thrive Christians to share 6 Random Things.

Katlynn is an awesome, Godly high school student, wise and mature beyond her years. (How I wish I could have had her passion for Christ at her age!) Her blog is titled "Mirror?" because she strives to be a reflection of Christ. Kay is a gifted communicator. Her blog seeks to transparently share insight and encouragement for living passionately for Christ. Both of these blogs are a blessing to me, and come with my highest recommendation! Please take a few minutes to visit each of them!

I’m going to bend the rules and combine them into one post of 6 random things.

1. The only bone I have ever broken is my big toe, but I’ve done it twice! Once running up the steps barefoot, and once running through our dining room barefoot. (I'm obviously slow to catch on...) We had just rearranged the furniture and I stubbed my toe against our hutch. Many years later, I can STILL remember how bad that hurt!

2. I love Christmas music and listen to it all year long. Why not!? My newest favorite is the Celtic Women Christmas CD...absolutely beautiful!

3. I love to fix and/or assemble things…the key here is “with instructions.” (Thank goodness for “”!) My last project was taking our toilet apart to replace the seal between the tank and the bowl (not without mishap I might add…) I took to heart Home Depot’s promise that I could do it and they could help. (You might notice they don’t say…we’ll help you in just one trip…) All is now well, but after numerous trips back and forth, I'm not sure I actually saved any money on a service call. Add to that my poor guys had to endure a complete meltdown on my part just before I finally got it right. = ) (It wasn’t pretty!)

4. Unlike my Mom, I’m not a very good cook. The methodical person in me can follow a recipe, but I can’t ever imagine being able to create something wonderful with "a little of this and a little of that." I’ll leave that to those of you gifted in that way! ; )

5. I have been out of high school now for 25 years! Not sure how in the world or when this happened…I don’t FEEL that old!

6. By the grace of God (and intervention of my Dad), I was rescued from the name my Mom had long planned to give her firstborn daughter (prepare yourselves…this is a keeper…) “Echo Lafawn.” No, I am not kidding. (Whew! Still thanking the Lord for that one!)

Since I’d love to know more about all of you, my bloggy friends, I invite each of you to consider yourself “tagged.” Please take part, whether on your blog or in a comment. = )

Happy Monday!


  1. Hi friend,

    We have a few things in common. I love to fix things too. I'm known to repair a garbage disposal. And I am not a good cook. Cooking is not something I enjoy.

    What a name! My dad always said I would've been Thadley Baxter if I were a boy. I'm not sure if he was joking or serious. I have two brothers and they didn't get the name. I'm sure Mom axed the idea.

    Thanks for popping in on my blog this past week. Always love reading your thoughts.

    Much love,

  2. Thanks for sharing! I think it is neat that you listen to Christmas music all year long. I heard someone else suggest that recently, I think I may start doing that too!


  3. Loved the Meme...

    I broke my big toe when I was in the 6th grade. It's not been the same since.

    Where did your mom get that name? I am glad you dad rescued you....

    I've been out of high school 33 years... OUCH! I DON'T know where the years have gone...


  4. Hi Tracy,

    I am to know you better through the 6 random things you share.

    Wonderful to know that you love to fix or assemble thing. I am rather hopeless in this aspect!

    What a name your mum chose! Glad God intervene through your dad :)

    Here are the 6 random things I have shared on my blog when I was tagged previously.

    1) I was dressed up like a boy when I was a child until the age of 7 years when I went to school.

    2) I have always kept my hair long except for a few occasions where it was difficult to maintain long hair.

    3) I have a sweet tooth. I love chocolate, ice-creams, cakes and all the sweet stuff.

    4) I was very shy when I was a child and in my teenage years. I used to hide in the room when visitors come for visit.

    5) I love to read. I have 2 big shelves of books in my bedroom.

    6) I am someone who value friendship very much.

    Take care and hope you have a blessed week ahead.


  5. What fun! I love getting to know more about my blogland sisters!

    Here's the answers to your 6 random things... Tag I am it:)

    1. I have dislocated my ankle (gymanst) doc said I would have been better off w/ a break
    2. I LOVE Christmas music too... and I, like you listen to it all year round.
    3. I like to fix things too and will spend hours trying to figure something out!
    4.I do LOVE to cook!
    5. Well sister - we must have graduated the same year... I too have been out for 25 years. I don't FEEL that old either! However the lines around the eyes tell a different story.
    6. My mom planned on naming me Christine Lynn and just as she was to fill out the birth certificate she changed it to Kristen Ann.

    Echo Lafawn... whew... that certainly is unique! :)

  6. A great way to do a tag...(just did this on Marilyn's):

    1. Currently reading "The Shack" (the jury's still out on this one)
    2. Graduated a year early from high school. (not because I was super smart, but simply because the requirements weren't that difficult to meet).
    3. Love University of Kentucky basketball.
    4. Diet Coke addict.
    5. I probably have some Italian bloodlines...I have a penchant for good pasta and bread.
    6. I love women who are brave and giving and who leave comments on my son's posting!

    Thanks for your heart, Tracy. You are a good friend.


  7. These are great facts!! I am so impressed with your "fixing" ability. It gives me a headache just to think about that kind of thing.

    I have been out of high school that long too. It is hard to believe! In fact, I have 2 daughters who have graduated and a son that is a senior. How did that happen???

    Your mom sounds like a hoot. Where did she come up with that name? Although there might be times having the name Echo would be fun and cool, it probably wouldn't be very practical.

    Thanks for sharing your fun facts today, this has been a fun game.....

  8. Nothing but love, but is it okay that I laughed at the name grace and the intervention of your father saved you from? Snicker! I'm not a very good cook either. I love to fix quick things and things that have 5 ingredients or less. Very impressed that you're gifted to be able to fix and assemble things. God mercifully gave plenty of that talent to my husband, so I don't miss it so much, but I would love to be able to do something major - RIGHT. Loved your post!

  9. Hi Echo Lafawn,

    Love these 6 random things. I've been out of school LONGER than you have. I agree I don't feel that old.

    And, as for fixing things...I'd rather NOT. I do have visions of refinishing furniture bought at an auction, but when it comes to it I don't get it done. I think I'm somewhat intimidated by it.

    Have a great day!


  10. Echo,

    I couldn't resist. I meant to do it earlier, but my brain is definitely FRIED today.

    The actual work wasn't hard. It was all the demographics and things I have to learn!

    We need to live closer, we could attempt this refinishing together.

    Have a good day tomorrow!

  11. Tracy,
    I loved learning a bit more about you, my friend! You are such a COOL person!!!! So neat that you fix things. I can't imagine taking apart the toilet!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all of your encouragement and kind comments. I have been so behind in replying to comments. AHH!

    I have been out of HS almost 25 years- 22. Where does the time go??????

    Blessings, friend!

  12. I love reading people's completely random to find you.:)

  13. Tracy,
    Your comments are SO sweet! Thank you. How fun that you used to pretend your name was Julie....


  14. I love your random things. I used to love to fix and assemble things too. I've taken apart the toilet, replaced the battery in my car (and other car repairs), built a gate and fence, etc, etc. But I've been single so long that now God get's the pleasure of listening to me "explain" to Him which tasks are male tasks and which ones are female tasks. LOL. Good thing He's patient! :D

    I enjoyed reading about you!

  15. Hey Tracy,

    This was great. Loved learning more about you.

    Wow, I'm so impressed, you like to fix things? Hmmm, wish we lived closer!

    Thanks for always leaving such encouraging comments, I love your heart Tracy!!


  16. Broken toes hurt. I broke my great toe ... that's what the doctors call it and I agree with them. When it hurts it is great!!!

    In my early twenties I helped a friend move and the dresser accidentally fell on my great toe.

    I was scheduled to be the maid of honor in a friend's wedding the next weekend. I wrapped the toe tightly and crammed it in the satin shoes and let it swell to the point that I had no feeling in it.

    All went well until the service concluded and we were to march out of the church. The pain returned. I couldn't place my weight on my foot. The best man was strong and he literally held me by his arm so that I almost glided above ground leaving the altar without a hitch.

    Great toes are important body parts!!! eh?


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!