Saturday, July 12, 2008

No Surgery for Millie!!!

Good morning! I only have a moment, but wanted to share that we came home last night to a phone message from Millie saying her doctor has "released her" to continue healing, and she does not need surgery! Her message didn't say if they are treating the blockage with meds, the blockage is gone, etc. We haven't spoken directly yet, but I plan to call her later today and will update based on what I hear. Just wanted to say Thank you, thank you, thank you! for your faithful prayers and for checking in so frequently on her! = ) Now that her physical well-being is almost completely healed, I'm praying harder than ever for her spiritual well-being. If I may ask, would you please continue to lift her up as well? With love and thanks, I am rejoicing today!


  1. YAY!

    I have fallen in love with the name Millie! And because it keeps popping in my head, I keep praying that her heart is opened to the truths of God's Word.

    Rejoicing with you, friend.

  2. You are a good dil. Thanks for loving her back to health in all of the ways that matter the most.


  3. Praising God with you, and still praying for spiritual life and healing!!


  4. Tracy, that is great news! May God continue to be closely present during this time.

  5. Tracy,

    That is fabulous news! I know you and your family must be relieved. Yet, now we will continue to pray for her spiritual well-being!

    What great news, and I'm smiling now!

    Blessings my friend,

  6. great news! and thank you for the reminder to be praying for her spiritual wel-being.


  7. Wonderful news! Rejoicing with you an continuing to lift her up in prayer...


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!