Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

To see other Word-Filled Wednesday posts,
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160 Acre Woods!


  1. Tracy, that is beautiful. Only God can make scripture as relevent today as the day they were God breathed. He is awesome!

  2. I love that the Word was written all that time ago and it applies to my life right now today. God is so Good.

  3. Thank God for His Words that gives us hope! Thanks, Tracy, for sharing this lovely picture and encouraging verse with us. Such a precious and comforting reminder. Many blessings to you!

  4. Wow! That was was somethign I needed to read today. Thank you for a beautiful WFW.

  5. What a beautiful depiction of God's timeless Word, and how it's availble in so many languages. Happy WFW!

  6. We indeed are so blessed to have the written Word for our teaching and aid us in this life. We have such wonderful treasures with His Word.

  7. Fantastic verse filled with God's wisdom and encouragement to seek Him for our hope always! Thanks for sharing.

  8. What would we do with out it? Especially in this day and age of "relative truth", His Word is the one thing that has stood the test of time.

  9. Amen!

    Lately I've been reaching God's word more to help just keep me going and remind me that what I'm dealing with, He has already overcome.

    I love how the image was created and such a mindful reminder what God's word is all about.

  10. Hey Friend,

    I needed to see this today! Isn't it great how He is using us to post what others need to see and hear that day, as well as ourselves.

    He is an awesome God!

    Thanks for your prayers on this matter!

    On a better note, I have been contacted by several places regarding interest in visiting with me for jobs. I have a telephone interview tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

    Have a great day!


  11. I would be completely lost with out the Bible as my guide. Your posts are so encouraging!

  12. I LOVE that picture and verse! Do you mind if I print it? I would love to scrapbook it!
    I also love your butterfly you chased in the store. WHOOOHOO GO GIRL!
    Hey, you were delighting in CREATION... !
    Blessings .... thanks for the smile!

  13. Hope and encouragement from the scriptures... I love this! What a great scripture.

    Happy WFW, Tracy!

  14. Oh I love your image with the Hebrew text there. Very cool. Without hope where would we be? that's why we need to keep connected to all that has been written in His word. blessings on you...

  15. Hey Tracy,

    Great scritpure!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by today. You have such a sweet spirit and a truly your cup runs over with so much LOVE!!

    I'm so blessed to know you!

    Happy WFW♥

  16. Glory to God for His word that provides strength, encouragment and endurance. Thanks for a lovely verse today.

  17. What a lovely reminder that God gives us Hope.
    Thanks for sharing this lovely illustration.
    And thanks for coming over and visiting me today. I just love guests!
    Have a Blessed and Thursday.

  18. I would be utterly lost without God's Word. How thankful I am that it has withstood the test of time and man's attempt at abolishment.


  19. That is such a great verse. I am reading Romans in my daily bible reading.

  20. I'm JUST getting around's THURSDAY! Busy, busy wednesday!! I do love this...It's in these Scriptures that we have hope and Romans is one of my favorite books....

    It's as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago...the very thought amazes me!!
    peace Tracy!!

  21. Thanks Tracy, Not doing any new posting...but still enjoying visiting. I noticed that you dropped by and left me a sweet concern...I don't believe that the hurricane is a threat to me...I'm on the other side and further south, I Think. We will probably get the rains but not the flooding,
    at least I pray. Though Hurrican season starts on the Gulf and Atlantic side, on the Pacific side it's usually not until Sept.Oct.
    but I pray you do not receive any spin offs of more tornadoes like those funnel clouds you took photos of...but just like this
    Scripture verse, and the words in Hebrew...that ALL His Word has endured an brings us HOPE! I heard that you are to be congratulated again...they just keep on coming to You because you deserve it!You bless me and so many...thank you
    for your sweet encouragement and continual blessings. I think I'm on BLOG fast...trying to recuperate from Montezuma's Revenge, sweating
    it out today. Not even posting TT
    though I'm trying to visit as I'm able! I AM SO THANKFUL! Maybe I can find a song to post.

  22. LOVE IT!! What my soul.


  23. What a great reminder that ALL scripture was written to teach us, and it never gets outdated or irrelevant! I just love the Word of God, I pray that God keeps me hungry for it!

  24. OK, I confess. I read you regularly through Bloglines, and don't comment nearly enough. I loved this image and verse when I first saw it. THANK YOU for your encouragement. :~D

  25. That's neat to see the text in the original language. Great verse on hope!


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!