Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beyond Description!

I’m still having a hard time trying to "sum up" the amazing blessings from the Beth Moore simulcast this weekend! I was invited by my long-time friend, Sue to join her and several other friends who were attending. These precious ladies didn't know me, but welcomed me with open arms (truly a blessing all its own!)

We were blessed to be among the 70,000 women overwhelmed by God's unmistakable presence this weekend! You may have already heard, the simulcast was shared in 715 locations (representing 49 states and 4 countries)! (Wow!)

praise and worship by Travis Cottrell and his team prepared our hearts beautifully for the rich teaching that was to follow, both Friday and Saturday.

All of Beth's messages centered around the parable of the four soils in Luke 8, but it certainly didn’t remain there. (We were all over that Bible!) I’m not kidding when I tell you I’ve never taken notes faster. I didn’t want to miss a single thing the Lord had for me. If you've ever attended a Beth Moore conference, or even a simulcast, you know there is so much information, it's hard to even begin to summarize or describe it. I've decided for now, just to share a few highlights. These were the things on my notes that were marked "*" or "!!"

On having "Maximum Impact and receiving a 100-fold harvest..." She was not referring to 100-fold harvest in the "prosperity sense." She reiterated 100 "fold," not 100 "folk." Harvest doesn't mean serving more people. (Jesus had only 12 disciples!) She urged us to forget about the numbers and just do the thing God is calling us to. God wants my faithfulness in the now, where He has me, at this time. When He has my faithfulness, he promises to return it 100-fold! (Mark 10:29-30)

God has made us "Competently Competent"
She shared 2 Timothy 3:16-17:
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that
the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every
good work."

She reiterated by giving us the Greek translation of the phrase "thoroughly equipped." Thoroughly (Gr. "artios") means now, just now, complete, sufficient, competent. Equipped (Gr. "exarizo") means essentially the same, although expressed in a more intensive way. Both come from the same root word. Put another way, He has made us "competently competent" to do that which He's called us to do, but only through the power of His Word!

We can't wait! When God places a desire within us to do something, He not only makes us competently competent, He simultaneously gives us the power of obedience at that moment to do it. (NOW!) Waiting only serves to give Satan the opportunity to begin planting doubts, fears, discouragement. (Isaiah 55:10-12)

God's Word never lays idle within us, even in the seemingly "dry seasons." It is always at work. When we don't cooperate, "fires" will come to "burn the fake out of us," and make us genuine. (Psalm 105:17-22)

Anxiety at its root, is our desire to maintain control! What you're going through is not just about you! He will birth your passion from your pain. (Philippians 2:17) She asked "Will we so resist difficulty that we'll have no crowns to cast?"

The importance of sowing God's word in our hearts in the morning.
Whether we're "morning people" or not, our capacity for hearing from God in the morning is supernatural. (Eccles. 11:6, Isaiah 50:4-5) What a difference when the first influence of our day comes from God's Word, before the distractions and worries of our day have the opportunity to crowd out His voice!)

As I look upon pages and pages of notes, there is much more I'd like to share. I hope to do so by later this week. Meanwhile, I pray these initial insights have challenged and encouraged you, as they did me! Be blessed


  1. Hey Friend,

    So glad you had an awesome time! Thanks so much for sharing this.

    Have a great week!


  2. Yep,Yep,Yep. You took good notes. I've not looked over mine yet but I took massive pages of notes.

    Are you in that pic? Which one?

  3. Yes, I am in that pic...I'm the second from the left (in the tan-checked shirt). = )

  4. Sounds like she covered a wide variety of topics/issues. I've been to 4 LPM events. Each time, I left feeling refreshed and filled up. It's obvious that God has given you a good word this past weekend, and I will enjoy reading about his teaching in the days ahead.


  5. Great notes! I can only imagine that's the tip of the iceberg, though. It sounds like such a *divine* time! I'm so glad you got to take part in this, and blessed us with sharing some of it.

  6. Sounds (and looks) like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing your notes. :)

  7. Sowing the seed of God's Word in our hearts in the morning... I believe there's truth to that! Sounds like you had a GREAT time! :~D

  8. Hey Tracy,

    I went to the simulcast too!! Oh my, was it AWESOME, POWERFUL, or what???

    I had a great time and got my tank to over-flowing.

    I loved your summary. I think I'm just going to move your notes over to my email so I can send it out to my friends. Hope that is OK?

    I took tons of notes as well, it's hard keeping up with her, and well, you've just got to BE THERE!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful day today.

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello!!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing these insights, they are all so good! I can't wait to hear more!


  10. Thanks for passing on the blessings! It's so easy to think that this can't possibly be where God wants to use us - not the right time or place. I need the constant reminders that God has plans for me right now, this very moment, and I need to be open to HIS leading.

  11. That last paragraph about spending time with God in the morning...then I looked up those verses. Oh Tracy I just finished posting about this very thing and how I feel so empty from not spending time with Him this weekend.

    Thanks for sharing this my friend.


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!