Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Confession Time

Can I be really honest with you? My hubby and I could really use your prayers. Hearts are tender and somewhat heavy in my house these days. Soon our one and only son, Brennan will depart for college, over 400 miles from home. In one fell swoop, we will become empty nesters. Unlike some of our friends with a house full of kids, we’ve never been eager for this stage. Our little family has always been very close. I wouldn’t trade that for anything, nor would I change it if given the chance to do it all again. But it does make this particular time especially difficult. There are no other kids in our home clamoring for our attention. No other babies for the tending. (We don’t even have a dog, for heaven sake!)

My hubby and I both know God’s grace is more than sufficient to meet our needs and ease our heartbreak. We are confident He has gone to great lengths to prepare us for this time. We’re leaning hard on that, in fact. We also know countless parents have experienced what we’re preparing to walk through and just like them, we’ll be alright, we just dread the process. Typically, Tom and I are much more inclined to the giving of prayers and encouragement as opposed to the asking for it. But because I consider you friends, I want to be real, transparent and honest before you. Several of you have already been praying for us. We can’t express how much we appreciate that. We also know that in the grand scheme, there are those with far greater needs and certainly far deeper pain than ours.

For those with little ones, I know this day seems far away. Believe me when I tell you it will be here before you know it and you’ll wonder how in the world it happened. Can I give some advice you can never hear too often? Cherish the everyday moments. Read the extra story. Play a bit longer. Talk a little more. Hug & kiss them every chance you get. Speak words of love and affirmation daily. Linger over them as they sleep. Pray for God’s greatest blessings in their lives. Savor them like never before. You’ll never regret it.

Here's a little glimpse of Brennan's first 19 years of life...


  1. Tracy,

    I will definitely keep you in my prayers this weekend as you make the trek to Greenville. Although I cannot fully comprehend your feelings, as I've told you before, I know what it's like to be the child on the other side of the coin. You have definitely set a great example of how to train a child in the way he should go, and now, your efforts have paid off. It's exciting to see a young person doing the will of God, and as hard as it is, as long as he's exactly where God wants him, there's no other place on Earth he should be. Trust me, I'm always up for a drive to Greenville if you need a travel buddy!! Love you - and travel safe!

  2. I will be praying for you and your husband as you enter this new phase of life; praying that you would soak up the richness of blessings that will come with change; And for your son as he adjusts to college life. And...in three years when my now 10th grader goes to college, I will be stopping by and asking you to pray for me!

    Interceding for you,

  3. I am new to your blog and you are right. The time passes so quickly. Our boys are 23 and 26. One is gone, the other home due to 'special needs' ~ he'll be here awhile.
    I will be praying as you transition to this new season in your journey of life. I pray you find special times together.
    Blessings, Cindy

  4. Stop by my blog today, Tracy. I have something for you.

    Love the slideshow!

  5. i cant imagine!!! I will pray for you!! surfed over from LPM

  6. I will be praying for you and your husband as you become empty nesters. And thanks for the reminder to treasure every moment we have with them while they are little, mine are 4 1/2 and lately their constant fighting and bickering are driving me crazy!!! But one day both of mine will most likely leave at the same time and that will be so hard... so I will be praying, and I will be trying to treasure the days I have with mine now. Thanks!


  7. Awww, Tracy. Of course I'll pray for you all as you make this transition in life. I can imagine how you must feel!

    Let me just say that from reading his blog back when you first mentioned it here, and from your own writing here, it's evident that you and your husband have done the very best you could by him, providing him with a firm foundation in the Lord...and that he's walking in the ways of the Lord and will do wonderfully on his own far from home. Between you and the Lord, he's well-equipped for this stage.

    Now has come the time that, somewhat like Hannah, you must offer him back to the Lord. It's a big step...but I have no doubt much fruit will be borne of it in his life. And that family closeness will continue from afar. YOu both have been a wonderful support system and examples to him, and I have no doubt he will always appreciate and treasure that!

    I'll pray for God's peace for you all and blessings in this new chapter in his life.

  8. Tracy, oh, how my heart feels for you. Thank you for being so real and transparent. I appreciate your honesty and I know it's hard for some to ask for prayers, and I'm so glad you did. I will commit to pray for you and your husband as you enter the next phase of your life, and for Brennan as he heads off to college! Steve and I are empty nesters and although I only had my bonus daughter from age 6 to 20, it felt so funny when she married and moved out. It was weird, in a nutshell, but Steve and I have adapted and adjusted and are still learning as we go.

  9. Praying for your family during this time of big changes!

    Thank you for the reminder as well...looking through your slide-show it's hard for me to even picture my boys that grown up, yet I know it will happen all too soon.

  10. Ouch, praying for you. We're still adjusting, after a year of "blessed empty-nestedness." It's hard, but right.

    I loved your slide show. What a dear young man! :~D

  11. Hey Tracy,

    You can count on me to pray, my heart truly goes out to you. Although my nest is not empty, I'm not one who does well with "change", period...

    I will pray the Lord will be there to comfort you both.

    Oh, I really enjoyed that slide show of your son. What a precious child he is. I can see he has such a GREAT personality, just by looking at those pictures!

    This is a new season in your life, God IS THERE.

    Hey, a great time to read the book I'm reading now, anonymous!!

    Blessings my sweet friend♥

  12. Tracy,

    You know I'm praying! Thanks for sharing Brennan's first 19 years.

    Hugs & Love

  13. Tracy, I love that first baby picture. His expression is so precious...it looks like he's really interested and focused on something.

    May the Lord give you strength and comfort during these days ahead. He will provide. He will ease your pain and lighten the void and provide "fillers".

  14. Though I am a long way from the "empty nest", I have had to send a child off. You know some of that story. It's gut wrenching on the emotions. I don't know that anything prepares you for it. God just carries you through it.

    You are in my thoughts!

    Thank you for your sweet words on my blog today.
    You bless me as usual.


  15. My dear sweet Tracy...my heart aches and rejoices...such mixed feelings but it's a new season!

    I'm praying as you ask and there is nothing not worth asking for others to join and support by rallying around you with prayers!
    You are right that you usually are in the other position of giving encouragement and much including prayers...but it is now your turn and your need. This was good advice to those still with children at home to treasure each moment. As you do and have just in a different way! You are a good mom and wife. You will be strong in the joy of the Lord and in the calls from college from Brennan.
    Closeness makes this more painful but you were bless to have those years and that closeness!

    I so enjoyed watching the slideshow and seeing the changes of your baby to a fine young man!

    So you want me to send you a dog?

  16. Without question...thinking of you during this time.


  17. Praying for you. In just a couple of years I will be wearing your shoes. Cherishing each moment with my son. (Your slide show was wonderful - precious pictures!)
    Blessings and prayers,

  18. I am new to your blog and felt I just had to comment here. My heart aches with you. I have had six children leave the "nest" and with each one my heart nearly broke. You plan and prepare yourself, at least you think you do, for when that "time comes", yet you never plan for the emotions that surface. Two of our sons went away, 12 hours, to college. I remember when we left I cried through the entire first state, then my husband cried through the next. It was emotional for both of us, yet we knew they were in God's hands, and what a great place to be! I will be praying for you, my dear new friend, that God will give you peace during this time of transition, and that He will guide you as you attempt to fill your days.

    BTW did I see your son went to Asbury? My nephew goes there. This will be his Junior year.

  19. Tracy,

    I saw Natalie's awards to you, how awesome!

    You are so loved, my friend!


  20. Oh friend...I got the chills reading your post.

    We too, are in this stage...one out the door (Ash...will be leaving for her 2nd year with YWAM), and Andrew will be a Junior.

    You are so right, our worlds change so quickly!!

    PLEASE know, that as I pray for myself and our family, I'll be lifting you sweet friend.

    These certainly are challenging days as so much of what we've know, is changed forever!!!

    I'm praying...and God WILL give you his grace and mercy!!

  21. Oh, man! I'm not ready for that day either! I have been dreading it since my girls started Kindergarten. The years go by far too quickly. I'm praying for you today.

  22. Love this post - I will definitely be praying for you & Tom (and Brennan) as he again leaves home. He is such a sweet guy; I know you are so proud of him. I'm sure he is thrilled with you posting his baby pics on here. :)

    I will take your advice to heart and spend as much time with Katie as I can. I already can't believe where the time has gone!

    Love you all!


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!