Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

For more Word-Filled Wednesday posts,
join us at 160 Acre Woods!


  1. That is just adorable!! I love hearing the prayers of children...It's so heartfelt and innocent and a reminder that we need to seek Him as they do and come to Him without hesitation but with an open heart.

  2. Great verse! I am so glad that hears me when I pray to Him!

    Seeking Him,

  3. Oh how precious...

    Don't you just love seeing a child pray?

    My picture is with my grand-daugther, she taught me something about faith this weekend.

    Blessings to you my sweet friend♥

    PS Enjoyed the pictures from your reunion below!

  4. Oh, I just love this precious little one and verse. It's so perfect and so true. Blessings to you!

  5. How precious! I love this verse and the picture of that sweet child praying. Awesome post. Happy WFW!

  6. That is precious, and a wonderful verse!

    I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to visit your blog like I like too. I will be back when time allows, I really can't wait to read your highlights from Beth Moore!


  7. I often need to have "faith like a child" in moments of prayer and daily living. What a precious picture!

  8. What a very sweet image to go with this encouraging verse. have a wonderful day...

  9. Precious!

    Always love the heart of a child and can't get enough of God's love letter.

    Hugs from Colorado,

  10. What a lovely picture and precious reminder! I am so comforted that God hears my prayers and I can draw near to Him each day. Thanks Tracy for sharing these with us. Happy WFW!

  11. Blessings Tracy...and so precious!

    Stop by and visit with me soon... there will be something special waiting for you. It's in Tuesday the 12th of August post!

    I so enjoyed your family reunion slideshow!!! Did you get an email from me? I sent it yesterday! So excited! So blessed! Love ya bunches BIG HUGS...So that's what you're up to Famiuly Reunioning...
    that means traveling, too??? God bless your sweet family times!!

  12. Love, love, love this verse! What a great image to illustrate it. Did you take it?

  13. This was precious!

    My Hannah got your sweet note today. Thank you so very much for loving on her and showing her your support. I am amazed at how Papa works through this thing called "blogworld".

    You have blessed me and mine.


  14. EF~

    Great scripture! Love to see little ones praying!

    He is always there waiting for us to seek Him!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great Thursday, my friend!!


  15. Awww, what a sweet photo to go with that verse. Thanks for sharing!

  16. amazing post. is this your boy? i am blessed. my post is about prayer too. God bless you, sister!

  17. The promise has birthed true in my own heart and life today.


  18. Thanks for your visit and comments on my blog Monday.
    I love the "Word Filled Wednesday"
    Is there anything more pure than the face of a little child?

    What is the latest on Millie? It's been about a month since you gave an update. Of course, her salvation is the MOST important thing!


  19. Tracy,

    Wishing you a great family reunion again this weekend!


  20. I love this Tracy!!!

    You are such a blessing.


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!