Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

(Photo source: Google images)

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  1. Gorgeous photo and beautiful verse. Great reminder that if we focus on Him rather than self, that glory will shine from us.

  2. I know that when I am walking in His way there will be times when I can feel his light radiating my face and my heart. Great picture.

  3. Such a sweet photo and precious verse! Great visual for the verse. Good reminder of how God's glory can shine through us as we put our trust in Him. I need this reminder always. Thanks for sharing with us, Tracy. Take care and blessed WFW!


    Have a blessed day - thanks for posting this verse and photo today!
    In His amazing grace,

  5. I love the picture & the verse is so true.

    Have a Blessed Day.

  6. Such a sweet, sweet picture and verse.

  7. what a neat picture and verse. I just love the eyes!

  8. Tracy is Radiant as she looks to HIM! Blessings my friend, Amydeanne did it not I...I left a comment on old blog and she put me in the #1 place...then our sweet sister Nancie sent me a copy of Amysdeanne's post with the beginning names. We are not covered in shame, but shine with the radiance of Our Savior as we reflect Him. How angelic is this precious little face! Does she belong to your family? Bless you for being willing to link me!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. Oh, I really like this! May all of our faces radiate His great beauty today. Blessings to you!

  10. Ahh, Tracy.. what a perfect picture for this scripture. What a sweet, radiant face.

    Happy WFW!

  11. Sweet photo and Scripture. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  12. sweet sweet picture. That is the perfect verse for it...... thanks.

  13. I love this verse! So uplifting. Such a sweet face, too. Thank you for sharing this.


  14. Last Friday, we took our middle daughter (age 18) to the airport to go far, far away to school. Yes, it is hard to let go! (((Hugs)))


  15. Oh I love that verse! Thanks for sharing!

  16. EF~

    What a beautiful photo, but especially scripture. What is it about children/photos/praying! Something wonderful.

    Hope you are having a great week!


  17. What a gorgeous photo!! Thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my post & for the reminder to keep looking to Him! Happy WFW!

  18. Perfect picture for a perfect verse! I pray I am radiant! God bless you for sharing such a precious WFW pic and verse!

  19. lovely and what a wonderful verse...I love that we are radiant when we look to Him...just such a beautiful thought.

  20. awww that is such a sweet picture and that verse goes so well!

  21. There is such a peace about the look on that little girls face!

    I love it... when I look to Him, He sees me as radiant!

  22. For those of you who've been worrying about my "pudding" search, thanks to Tracy I have six cans on the way from somewhere. It sure better be good. Talk about a radiant face! Mine's going to be beaming once I get this crazy cake made, and yes, I'll be posting about the entire thing once it actually happens.

    And for those of you who think I'm completely crazy, you need to know that I'm a cake girl. I love it. Anykind. Anytime, with wedding cake being my favorite.


  23. Yes, it's true! Love, the verse - led me to the chapter - and there were some wonderful verses there for me (18,19).

    Can't thank you enough for your prayers and kind words you left me. ~ Rebecca


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!