Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Good morning,

First, I want to thank Iris for faithfully providing us the opportunity to share our thankful hearts each week. What a blessing it has been, and continues to be. I understand this sweet sister has a birthday this weekend…Happy Birthday Iris! ☺ We’re so thankful for you!

Today also finds me thankful for…

The hope and promise we have in Christ. As we’ve spent time with Karen’s immediate family, we’ve been able to encourage a number of them with God’s word. Her family is a very musical one, so we knew songs like “With Hope” by Steven Curtis Chapman “Homesick” by MercyMe and others would be especially encouraging, so we’ve shared those with them over the past few days, as well. In our conversations, several of them told us they struggle with things of faith, yet they were so grateful to be reminded of what God promises for His children, because Karen had that faith. It is our prayer that they too will come to embrace or restore their faith in Christ through this loss.

The Holy Spirit. Tom and I have been more aware than usual of His presence throughout the past few days. You could undoubtedly sense Him in her room during prayer, and we have felt His promptings and guidance in many of our interactions and conversations.

Your faithful prayers and kind friendship. What an encouragement you’ve been! Karen’s sister, MaryBeth, told me she knows it is the prayers of friends and family that are sustaining them right now, and will continue to in the time to come. Thank you for being willing to pray not only for their family, but for lifting us, as well. It means more than I can adequately express.

The eight people who will benefit from Karen’s loss through organs she donated. What a gift to pass along! She was a registered dietician, so she understood the importance of eating healthy and exercising, so her organs are likely very healthy ones. I always thought I wanted to be an organ donor, but having a better understanding of the process has confirmed it. (I hope you too will think about it. If it's something you would like to do, tell someone close to you and indicate your wishes on your driver's license.)

May this Thursday find you thankful…

To read what other thankful hearts are saying, join us at Sting my Heart.


  1. So beautiful.

    May His presence continue to be felt so strongly around each of you!

  2. What a blessing Karen was to her family, friends and even those she didn't know. My prayers continue to be with your family!


  3. Tracy,

    Your thankful heart through these circumstances has touched me so! Homesick is definitely a beautiful song to minister to those suffering a loss, I pray it ministered to them.

    Blessings to you today, sweet sister.

  4. Such a beautiful post, Tracy! I know this has not been an easy week for you or your family, but yet you remain faithful and thankful!

    Many prayers being sent your way!

  5. A beautiful post, Tracy. I just love when you can sense the Holy Spirit so present in a place...enfolding you all in his comfort and peace.

    Continued prayers going up on your behalf.

  6. Awesome post! I'm so glad you were able to minister to Karen's family and rejoice at the hope that the organs she so graciously donated will give to the ones receiving them. Organ donation is so important and it's great to keep in mind that we need to have healthy ones to donate!

  7. Through a difficult time, your cup is running over still with praise and thankfulness.

    I listened to a speaker this morning who said that although we can't rejoice in our circumstances, we can always be thankful and rejoice in the Lord. I see your life as being testimony to that truth.

    I think of the chorus:
    "In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus, In moments like these, I lift up my hands, I lift up my hands to the Lord. Singing I love You Lord, Singing I love You Lord, Singing I love You Lord, I love You."

    Continuing in prayer,

  8. What a sweet and inspiring post. Bless you all.

  9. Hey Tracy,

    I was so blessed to read you were doing well.

    I'm also blessed to read about Karen's family. Thanks so much for letting us know.

    I've signed up to be an organ donor too, what a beautiful last gift we can give before we go to be with Jesus.

    What an amazing woman Karen was!

    Happy TT~

  10. What a beautiful list... and I am so glad to hear of how the Lord has been sustaining and ministering to all of you.

    And what a blessing that Karen was an organ donor and other people are being given the chance to have life... maybe even some who do not know Christ yet but this gives them an opportunity to have time to come to know Him, what a blessing!


  11. A beautiful, thankful Thursday. My Karen's family find peace at this time.

    Have a lovely, blessed weekend!

  12. Blessings Tracy & Tom, May His Holy Spirit continue to flow! So appropriate that "my cup runneth over" and blessings overflow and Romans 15...because through this difficult time, you have been a beacon and a strength to those who need you & your faith to help carry the load and for yourselves to find the Comforter's Presence. What a blessing as you share music and God's Words of hope! What a treasure has been lost on earth by Karen's absence here but may the others come to know the Christ she held onto & the gift of life she made possible for 8 others!
    Amazing! I am an organ donor but as years go by, I'm not sure that I have the best but if they can bless someone with a few more years, I will know it is worth it all. I'm so thankful that you sense the prayer support around you and Tom's family. May God continue to use you both with Karen's testimony as well
    Thanking God for you & your faith & hope in Christ extended to others!

  13. We are definately documented donors in our family. My husband is a living kidney donor recipient via our adopted son.

    I will continue to pray for Karen's family.

  14. Tracy, I am keeping your family and Karen's husband and sons in my prayers. Such a tragic loss, but she lives on in those that new and loved her, and even those that didn't.


  15. Hi Tracy,
    I too hope and pray you continue feeling and seeing the Presence of your "Comforter."
    I just prayed for yall.
    Love Lea

  16. Hi Tracy!
    This is an awesome post. You have indeed found many things to be thankful for in this very difficult time. God is so gracious to allow us to see Him in hard times.


  17. Thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend!


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!