Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prayer and The Election

Some of you may have already seen this very powerful video about the importance and each and every vote. No doubt many of you are (and have been) in prayer for the upcoming election. I know we all grow weary of hearing such a constant barrage of election news, but it can’t be said too much…Pray, Pray, Pray and then please Vote next Tuesday, November 4th.

...O Lord, God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven. You are ruler of all the kingdoms of the earth. You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you!
~2 Chronicles 20:6 (NLT)


  1. Tracy,

    I just posted it yesterday but I am so glad to see it being posted again and again. It is a very note worthy video!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Powerful!

    I will be forwarding this video on!

  3. Amen! Getting ready to vote. In our area, we have Prop 8, which is meant to protect the traditional Biblical definition of marriage, too. Lots to pray for in our country right now. A pivotal election.

  4. Yes, one of the best out there. Let us walk in trust (not in fear) to the polls and offer our voice in the matter, and then let us leave the rest in God's hands. My friend, Marilyn, has posted some good thoughts about this on her blog today(

    I, for one, will be thankful when the process has walked its course, and we can move on from here. I have never witnessed such a contrary nature in our country. It makes me sick inside. Long before I cast my vote for president in "early voting" I cast my lot with the King.

    That perspective keeps my heart and my mind in balance.

    Love u. Have a great day, friend.


  5. Amen! I voted yesterday! VALUES, VALUES, VALUES!

  6. Thanks for posting this. I don't think you can remind people to vote too often when so much is at stake in an election.

  7. A very moving video, thanks so much for sharing... this is such a pivotal time in our country, I just pray that everyone takes the time to vote. Thanks for sharing this!


  8. Very powerful! I can't wait for the opportunity to vote. I have heard of many voting early - I don't know why that hasn't occurred to me to do...I wish I had now. The lines will be so long, but what a privelege to be standing there.

  9. Yes! May the Lord have mercy on us and I keep thinking of how He loves to show Himself strong on behalf of His people.

    I have been encouraged to hear about at least three different 40 day fasts that have gone on over the past 6 months.

    May His people SHINE brightly in this dark world!

  10. I couldn't get the video to work. :-/ Our computer is doing WEIRD things these days... I'll try to reload it again.

    I also wanted to say, "THANKS" for celebrating Brent's birthday with us. It was such a BLESSING to have you guys remember his life us.


    (I'm PRAYING HARD for the election too.. I HOPE people will consider GOD when voting and NOT their wallets)


  11. Wow, this is incredible, thanks for posting this Tracy.

    I've already voted, and now it's in our Father's hands...

    I'm praying like never before, God heal our land!!



I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!