Monday, December 29, 2008

Still Savoring Christmas...

Hope you and yours had a joyous and memorable Christmas together. Many of you have crossed my thoughts over the last couple of days. While I know some are already packing up and storing your Christmas things, I always tend toward savoring it all as long as I can.

I had hoped to share some of these things before Christmas, but there never seemed to be enough hours in the day! If you're like me and not quite ready to put it all away for another year, take a peek at some more of my treasures. (Just hit the pause button if you need more time to read the captions!) By the way, that powder you see on our ornaments is not's fine, shimmery "snow." = )


  1. Tracy, thanks for the show of your ornaments, they are beautiful. Merry Christmas to you! Like you, I savor the season...well into January sometimes!

  2. All very precious. I especially love how each have sentimental value and history.

  3. yeah, I kind of like to keep mine up until at least the 1st of the new year. I just like looking at them.

  4. Fun to see all your treasures! The "Linus" ornament is amazing! I also loved the star from your friend Dani. Jesus IS the star at Christmas.

    Happy New Year,

  5. Isn't it amazing how bringing out the Christmas decorations every year and opening those boxes is ... like Christmas? heehee~ I have this ... "little angel" that means so much to me and it will be a treasured remembrance of "friendship." My CUP RUNNETH OVER! ;)
    Many of our decorations got put away yesterday because my hubby was here to help lift the boxes into thee attic but the lights and nativity will stay til after New Years. Don't ya wish we could KEEP CHRISTMAS decorated all year long as it should be in our hearts all year long anyways?!
    I'm off to listen to your barlow girl song.
    Holykisses Tracy,
    I'm so thankful we met this year and look forward to a growing friendship in 09!

  6. Beautiful ornaments Tracy. And I LOVE your Christmas tree! I had planned to leave my decorations up until New Years but circumstances prevented it. Enjoy yours and bring in the New Year in the midst of Christ. Rich Blessings to you!

  7. Tracy, these ornaments are beautiful! I especially loved the cross ornament and the santa kneeling beside Jesus and the nativities. Savor it as long as you like, girlfriend. It's hard to put it away, isn't it?

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