Monday, March 2, 2009

Blogaversary Week! (Day 1)

Greetings! Hope this Monday finds you well. I’m excited because this is a special week. Why??? Well, on Wednesday, my blog will officially be one year old!?! That’s right, one year since “My Cup Runneth Over” was born. = ) I’ve said it before but will say it again, I truly don’t think it’s an overstatement to say blogging has changed my life! I don’t know about you, but I say that’s worth celebrating! (More about that at the end of today’s post.)

What I’d like to do this week is share a few posts from the last year, starting with one that explains the mission of my blog. (This was originally posted last July.)

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I’ve been thinking about the mission of my blog for a number of days, asking the Lord to help me put words to it. In all honesty, it's pretty simple. The mission of "My Cup Runneth Over" is to encourage others and share the hope, joy and love of Jesus, through the overflow of my very grateful heart.

I am extraordinarily blessed. So often in my life, I’ve seen God’s hand move in incredible ways. When I ponder everything this holy God has done for me (a very broken vessel), my heart feels such overwhelming love and gratitude, I can’t possibly keep it to myself! I want to tell everyone about Him, His amazing love and how He can change your life!

I began sharing what God had done and was doing in my life as He presented opportunities. First, it was with my middle school girls, then to the women in my Bible study, as well as other friends and family. Still, I felt restless. There were many stories longing to be shared, yet just as sure as I know God made me an encourager, I’m even more sure He did not make me a public speaker. (Sidenote here...He knows I'm willing should that ever be His plan for me...but He and I also know it would require much in the way of His divine help!)

I asked Him to show me what He wanted me to do. He reminded me one day that writing notes of encouragement was one of my favorite ways to share the His love. Was He telling me to write more notes? To someone specific? He then seemed to say “why not simply ‘write notes’ of encouragement, tell the stories of how I’m working in your life, and then trust Me to bring those who need that message?" He soon drew me to this avenue of faith. Soon thereafter, I read Romans 15:13 (NLT) "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Choosing that verse as my foundation, "My Cup Runneth Over" was born.

It is my prayer that those who read my blog will sense that I am a humble student of the Bible, with so much left to learn. I also pray the gratitude that flows from my heart is unmistakable in everything I write. Lastly, and most importantly, I pray what you read here encourages your heart, and fills you with the hope, joy and peace of Christ.

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Now more about the celebration! All comments received each day throughout the week (from 12:01 am this morning through 12:00 midnight Friday night - Eastern Time) will be placed in a random drawing for a special giveaway prize I’m putting together. (Because of my surgery, I’m a little behind!) I have the first two items purchased…you can see them here…

(“Give Us this Day” sign from my friend Kathy of Bittersweet Farm.) The rose-colored journal is from Family Christian Store. There will be a few additional items, all of which will be pictured on Friday. I’ll make the drawing Saturday morning and post the winner sometime before noon Eastern time! = )



  1. Hi, Tracy! Congratulations on your blogaversary. We must have started our blogs around the same time as my first blogaversary was just a couple of weeks ago.

    I love the "Give Us This Day" sign! What a great gift for a giveaway.

    Have a great week celebrating!

  2. Congratulations on your blogaversary! Mine is coming up next month!

    I thought I recognized the journal...I work @ FCS and have sold some of them!

  3. Congrats. Mine is next month. I wonder often what happened in the months of Feb-Mar-Apr of last year. It seems SO many blogs were formed then. It's quiet odd I think. Odd in a good way. I wonder how many of us came from Rachel Olsen online study of women in the Bible.

    I'm already thinking of what I should do to celebrated this beautiful birth next month.

  4. Congratulations....and I am just beginning the journey. Have a wonderful week.

    Your new friend,

  5. Oh wow, how exciting Tracy!!


    ... He reminded me one day that writing notes of encouragement was one of my favorite ways to share the His love.

    And you have truly accomplished the mission God gave you to do Tracy. You are such a blessing to SO MANY!!

    I'll be visiting all week!!

  6. Tracy, Congratulations on a year of blogging! A year of blessing, encouraging,and refreshing so many people's lives, including mine. More times than you realize God used you to inspire and add joy to my daily life. I did not realize that we started blogging the same month, you at the beginning of March and me at the end of March. How thankful I continue to be for His leading and guiding through all of our days. Your gifts are lovely, and your friendship is even better.

  7. congratulations!!! i enjoy my visit here everytime :)

  8. Thank you so much for sharing.. I love to come here.

  9. Oooh yay! Pick me! Pick me! :D

    I love your blog even if I don't win though. I'm like you on the speaking situation. I can share all over the place when I'm part of the group but have a really hard time when I'm in front of the group.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  10. Congratulations!!! I enjoy your blog.

  11. Tracy, you have been an incredible blessing to my life and I know to so many others. You are an encourager!! What a heart for the LORD.

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Keep writing in Jesus Name and for His glory.

    I love you.

  12. I am so glad God led you to blog! I have been so blessed by your blog and by your friendship! And my boys are blessed with a "blog aunt" :)

    I can't wait to see how the Lord works through you this next year!


  13. Happy Blogoversary! I am really grateful to be able to read your blog these past few months, I don't think I'd ever read your mission statement, but I'd say you are living up to it wonderfully! Many more blessings to ya!

  14. Hi Tracy...
    It's been a while since I have gotten around to your site to visit. Congrats on your blogaversary this week!
    I never got on top of it for mine... so I just celebrated my 200th post, just by sharing what God has done.
    Love this idea!
    Hope you have a great week reminiscing on what God has done!
    God bless,

  15. Hey, sweet friend,

    Happy Blog-aversary....


  16. Congratulations on a wonderful year of blogging. Continue on your success! Joanne ~~


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!