Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Word-Filled Wednesday


I've spent much time recently in the book of Isaiah through our Breaking Free study. I'm gaining a whole new love and appreciation for this particular book of the Bible. This week, our study has directed us to many examples of the GLORY of God. The more I read and learn, the more I realize just how incomprehensible it really is!

For now, let me share just one thing I've learned and found so very interesting. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for "glory" is kavodh which means "weight, honor, esteem." The word kavodh comes from another word which means "to be renowned, to show oneself great or mighty." As author Beth Moore explains..."God's glory is not only something that reflects Him, but also part of who He is!"

In the New Testament, the Greek word for "glory" is doxa which means "the true apprehension of God or things." Beth Moore's translation: "His unchanging essence." Doxa comes from another word, dokeo meaning "to think or suppose." God's glory is the way He makes Himself recognizable."

I'm absolutely fascinated by the many different aspects of God's Glory. I'm planning to share a few more insights next week.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday posts, join us here...


  1. I did a bible study on Isaiah at church a few years ago and I loved it. I love Beth Moore also. She really "brings it home" for me.

  2. That is very interesting and I love the picture/scripture!

    Happy WFW!

  3. I continue to learn so much from Beth Moore's studies. That is fascinating what you shared about God's Glory...and just think, it is only a tiny aspect of it. About as much as our finite minds can grasp at this time of our earthly journey. So amazing!!

  4. God reveals all of himself in the scripture. I find that so amazing and awesome.
    Happy WFW!

  5. Great word Tracy!!

    I really enjoyed Breaking Free last fall.

    Blessings to you this WFW♥

  6. that is a great bible study to do, I gleaned so much from it and know you will too, you already are!!!

  7. BREAKING FREE was the first Bible study I did as a new born again Christian, over 9 years ago. It saved my life! I was struggling with so much 'baggage' and the enemy was attacking this baby Christian ferociously! I'm so grateful to Beth Moore and her bible studies and Christian women like you that facilitate and lead the groups.
    God bless you!

  8. Tracy, this is amazing. I was praying about this last night and this morning. Talking to God about how the whole earth is filled with His glory and that I cannot wait to know His glory better in Heaven. I love the holiness and glory of the Lord. I'm so glad you shared the meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words for glory. I loved learning that. I can't wait to see what you share next week! Happy WFW! Beautiful picture, post and Scripture.

  9. What a beautiful illustration for that scripture!

    I just love examining the Greek and Hebrew meanings for brings so much more fullness to my understanding of what those passages truly mean.

  10. I love Beth Moore bible studies.
    I enjoy your posts.
    Have a great day.

  11. I love the book of Isaiah... He and his book are one of my favorites!

    I also loved that study!

    Thanks for sharing these reminders....

  12. Gorgeous photo; It's hard to say much because it's breathtaking!

  13. Amen for that dear thanks for this message from the bible. TC mine is up also.

  14. My husband and I love the book of Isaiah and quote it often. I so appreciate you sharing a portion of the GLORY! WOW! Share more...

    Love you sweet sister.

  15. I love meditating on the glory of God! I especially like the story of Jesus' transfiguration. Won't it be wonderful when we can see his brightness face-to-face?

    Your study with Beth Moore sounds like a real winner.

    Happy WFW!

  16. I love this post... God's glory is something that I do not think we can adequately understand or describe... it is beyond our wildest imagination. But one day we will behold His glory, and what a day that will be!


  17. Thanks for sharing...I am really learning a lot this week!

    Happy WFW...

    ~♥~ Mariposa's Tales ~♥~

  18. What a great picture & verse! Blessings to you this week!

  19. Breathtaking photo! Thank you for sharing that with us, and for your wonderful words - as usual!

  20. I did the breaking free study last year, loved it. Great verse this week!

  21. This is one of my favorite verses. Puts God in HIs rightful place! Amen!

  22. I too loved pondering God's glory when I did breaking free. It is simply the essence of Who He Is!! (and simple is probably not such a great word, because there are none!)

    Great give~away items :) Congrats on your anniversary!!
    Love, Kathy

  23. Oops, my wording sounded funny, rather, [there are no words to express God's glory].

  24. I didn't realize my love for the book of Isaiah until I did the Breaking Free study. A few weeks into the study, I thought, I am definitely going to do this study again.

    Thank you for sharing what you're learning!

  25. I plan on doing this study when the new DVD's come out! Currently in Esther and having a blast. I love learning new stuff from the Word of God. I'm going to be a lifelong student!


  26. Thanks for that word today and all the words you share.

    Loved having you drop by my blog. Come by again soon.


  27. Beautiful. I like to imagine that verse sometimes...the Angels singing their Heavenly Songs and while I can not imagine anything close enough that thought of how wondrous it must be gives me chill bumps!



  28. That is absolutely beautiful Tracy and the verse...~and thoughts of God's glory...
    When I'm in church, and we sing HolyHolyHoly... it totally gets me... to IMAGINE God's glory... and everyone singing to him...
    I'm anxious to hear more of what you're learning on this topic.
    You always make me think*....
    Have a great weekend...

  29. Are you okay? I miss you! Does it feel good to be missed?


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!