Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vivid Imagery

Look at this gorgeous rainbow! Last night, we had really dark skies, wind and rain moving in as we arrived home from work. By the time we sat down to dinner, there was quite a storm. A little later, as I was cleaning up, the sun began shining brightly and revealed the most incredible rainbow! It was enormous! So much so that I couldn't get it all into frame. Just beyond, there was even a second, much more subtle rainbow. Such a beautiful gift from God!

Like the colors of this rainbow, I'm reminded of a message I read recently in Streams in the Desert whose illustrations spoke vividly to me. Perhaps they will to you, as well.

He will do this (Psalm 37:5)

I once believed that after I prayed, it was my responsibility to do everything in my power to bring about the answer. Yet God taught me a better way and showed me that self-effort always hinders His work. He also revealed that when I prayed and had confident trust in Him for something, He simply wanted me to wait in an attitude of praise and do only what He told me. Sitting still, doing nothing except trusting the Lord, causes a feeling of uncertainty, and there is often a tremendous temptation to take the battle into our own hands.

We all know how difficult it is to rescue a drowning person who tries to help his rescuer, and it is equally difficult for the Lord to fight our battles for us when we insist upon trying to fight them ourselves. It is not that God will not but that He cannot, for our interference hinders His work.

Spiritual forces cannot work while we are trusting earthy forces.

Often we fail to give God an opportunity to work, not realizing that it takes time for Him to answer prayer. It takes time for God to color a rose or grow a great oak tree. It takes time for Him to make bread from wheat fields. He takes the soil, then grinds and softens it. He enriches it and wets it with rain showers and with dew. Then He brings the warmth of life to the small blade of grass, later grows the stalk and amber grain, and finally provides bread for the hungry.

All this takes time. Therefore we sow the seed, till the ground and then wait and trust until God’s purpose has been fulfilled. We understand this principle when it comes to planting a field, and we need to learn the same lesson regarding our prayer life. It takes time for God to answer prayer.


  1. That's BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE the devotion you shared too. ☺ I actually got 3 copies of that book when we lost Brent. It truly is amazing!

  2. Tracy, I love this post.
    The picture is just beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. This speaks VOLUMNES!

    I love this: "We all know how difficult it is to rescue a drowning person who tries to help his rescuer, and it is equally difficult for the Lord to fight our battles for us when we insist upon trying to fight them ourselves. It is not that God will not but that He cannot, for our interference hinders His work."

    Love you sweetie and thanks for the message!

  4. A beautiful post... and similar to thoughts I've been having today. God's way takes time. Bless you! :~D

  5. Beautiful pic!

    I think of Noah & I am reminded that God keeps His promises everytime I see a rainbow!

  6. Every time I see a rainbow, it thrills me. It just feels like a visible reminder from God to encourage my heart. Your post was also an encouragement to me today. Not being a real patient person, being still before God often presents a problem for me. I know God used you to remind me...that it is all in His hands and in His good and perfect time.

  7. Such a beautiful picture and a very useful post. It does take time, and sometimes I think we try to force things that may or may not be right or ready for us... yet.

  8. What a glorious photograph!! A kiss from the King for you & you got to share it with us!

  9. Tracy,

    I just saw your comment on this morning.. I HOPE (if you read about the giveaway) that what you read was the *edited* version. LOL!! I only JUST realized a little while ago that my post (advertising April's giveaway) had a HUGE mistake. See, I'd already seen that April is helping out the lady that makes the necklaces that she's giving away by "linking" back to her. In my post, I COMPLETELY FORGOT to mention that the first time around so my original post almost sounded childish and rude. (I think I said that the necklaces were affordable and that if we didn't win we could buy one for ourselves) I'm such a DORK! Ha!! Anyway, I realized when I awoke this morning that it probably sounded bad and I went to correct it. So now, I'm here explaining all of this to you so that if you didn't see the edited version you won't think I'm a meanie. ☺ (Again, I'm a dork.. I know it) Ha!!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Love you!!

  10. I'm checking email as I'm visiting friends and saw that you did catch the edited version. WHEW!!! LOL!!!

    Thanks for being such a sweetie!! (And I'm VERY THANKFUL that you didn't think my post was rude) HA!

  11. So happy you stopped by today...you're welcome anytime! Glad you were able to join in on the fun of my giveaway...good luck! I really love your blog! Tonya is a keeper, isn't she?

  12. I loved this... especially about "it takes time to grow a great oak tree." I prayed for years that I would be an OAK of righteousness that displayed His splendor.
    At this moment I'm feeling like I've been where I am for a LONG time... and sometimes it all gets to me.
    Today this reminded me that His process and the waiting and the time involved grows GREAT things.
    I needed to remember....

    Also, I thought of the opening scene in the movie The Guardian, when the husband almost drowns his wife while trying to be rescued.... The Coast Guard swimmer had to punch him in the nose to stop him so he could save him....

    I LOVE rainbows.... I love it when God gives me the gift of seeing one...

  13. Thanks for your kind comments!!!

    Love the rainbow picture ... mine never turn out.

    Hmmmmm...what a beautiful reminder about waiting on God. I need to be reminded of that more often.

  14. What a much needed reminder for me. Thank you.

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  15. Oh my, that is one of the MOST beautiful rainbows I've ever seen.

    How exciting!!

    Thanks for sharing Tracy!

  16. What a great message and one I really needed to hear!

  17. That rainbow is spectacular, but His message through you shines bright as well. ALWAYS need this Word. My life verse is 1 Thess. 5:24, so that shows you how much this blesses me.

  18. Great reminder Tracy! I so needed to hear this tonight. Thank you!

    Waiting on Him,

  19. What a beautiful rainbow! I just love rainbows, the Lord has used them to speak to me in my life so sweetly... your picture brings back sweet memories of rainbows in my life!

    And that passage from Streams in the Desert spoke to me also when I read it... I actually have it marked to share with a dear friend when we get together again soon... thanks for blessing me with that book!


  20. I love this. It touched my heart and reminded me that I need to get out of God's way. I am keeping Him from doing something really awesome in the midst of this. He has a plan and purpose. Thank you for sharing; the rainbow is beautiful.


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!