Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

Happy New Year, sweet friends! Hope you had a wonderful time ringing in the new year, whether out with friends or family, or in your "comfy clothes" at home. We had been invited to spend New Year's Eve with Breezy's family, but my sweet hubby has been sick for several days, so we spent a nice, quiet evening at home instead.

Like many of you, I've been thinking about my life in the coming year -- things I'd like to do, places I'd like to go & ways I'd like to grow. In these first few hours of the new year, I'm asking God to guide my thoughts, my steps, my words and my walk as I journey with Him through 2010. His timeless promises and past faithfulness have proven I can fully and completely trust in Him. There is truly no greater gift.

I have to thank Him once again for the countless ways He's blessed me through so many of you in 2009! Oh, and that reminds me! I'd like to say Congratulations to my buddy Sue of The Time of our Lives! Tom drew her name just after midnight from among the comments from the last post. She has a great blog and she is such a kind encourager to me. If you haven't yet met her, please stop by and say "Hello!"

Earlier tonight (or last night by now), Tom and I were talking about New Year's Eve 10 years we were on the verge of "Y2K." Remember that? Here's a photo we took that night. Thinking on how much our lives have changed since then...only God, friends...only God. = )

Hope you enjoy the rest of this long weekend!


  1. Happy New Year to you and your hope is that the voice of God is heard loud and clear as his direction is made known to you!

  2. HA! I love this picture of you three. It is so Brennan. (And wasn't it just yesterday that the boys were this age??) Anyway, Happy New Year, Tracy, and thanks so much for the gift card!!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family...10 years since Y2K...amazing isn't it?

  4. Cute picture! For some reason that last decade went by faster than I ever thought it would! I had forgotten about Y2K. I had half a dozen gallons of water in the basement...just in case. Was happy to dump them!


  5. Happy New Year!! Praying this is another blessing filled year for you and your entire family!!

  6. I do remember the Y2K :) Great family photo.

    I pray healing over your husband in Jesus Name and I pray a beautiful, bountiful New Year. I love you.

  7. Love that photo of you guys, Tracy. Hope you all are up to par now. Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year, Tracy! The photo makes me laugh a bit... Brennan was so little! :) Hope it's a great year for you and the fam. <3


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!