Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Only One Mother

Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather.

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
But only one mother the wide world over.

~George Cooper

I love you Mom!  How I thank God that in all the world, he choose you for mine.  What an amazing gift.  I wish you a wonderful and special birthday!  Can't wait to celebrate with you!  XOXOXO 
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  1. Sweet Picture! Happy Birthday to your momma!

  2. Every time I visit your blog and see your picture on the sidebar, I think you have one of the nicest smiles. Well now I can see that it runs in your family. This is a lovely picture of you and your mom. I am sending Happy Birthday wishes to your mom. Have a wonderful celebration.

  3. What a blessing for you Tracy as well as for your Mamma.

    With love,

  4. Happy Birthday, Aunt Shirley! We ♥ you!!

  5. You know what I hope? That someday my girls can share a tribute like this for me. Your mother sure must be a special lady. You both have the same beautiful warm smiles. Happy Birthday to her. Hope you have a good time celebrating "her" together.

  6. Awh..what a SPECIAL tribute...to an amazing Mom!

    You truly are BLESSED!

  7. Such a good pic!

    Continue to enjoy your sweet mom.

  8. Happy Birthday Tracy's Momma!
    Hope you've had a very special day!
    Hugs from the shabby olde potting shed

  9. Happy Birthday mom!!

    Tracy, she is just adorable, like you♥

    What a blessing it is to have her.

    Enjoy every moment~

  10. Awww...what a lovely way to celebrate her day.

    Happy Birthday to your mom!

  11. So beautiful - like mother, like daughter! Hope your mom had a wonderful day and you were able to help her celebrate!!

  12. Happy Birthday to your beautiful and precious Mother. What a sweet photo of the two of you.

    Love you.


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!