Monday, May 3, 2010

A Very Special Day for Elaine of Peace for the Journey

Two years ago, just a couple of weeks after my blogging journey began, I found my way to a very special place...Peace for the Journey.  With the first post, Elaine had me.  What a gift of expression!  Just as quickly as I fell in love with her style of writing, I fell in love with her heart for God (both of which are extraordinary!)  I've often said since then, the words that flow from her pen are truly anointed, and I mean that with all my heart!  As the wife of a Pastor and devoted Mom to four, her real life provides the inspiration behind her posts.  She weaves a story like few others but all the while, pointing you straight to the source, the one who unmistakeably owns her heart, the Giver of all Peace...Christ. 

Well...I'm overjoyed to tell she is celebrating the release of her book, Peace for the Journey:  In the Pleasure of His Company.   Can I just tell you... I cannot wait to get my copy! I've already thought of a friend or two I'd like to bless with one, as well.   In fact, one of you will be blessed with a signed copy!  Simply leave a comment anytime between now and Thursday at midnight (Eastern time).  I'll draw and announce the winner on Friday. 

If you'd rather not wait (or you want more than one copy), take a moment and watch the trailer below, then follow the link for ordering information.


  1. I, too, have always enjoyed this blog and all her posts - I can only imagine that her book would be well worth owning:) And how sweet that she has her children on the cover!!:)

  2. I too am celebrating along with you as our dear Elaine is published! Can't wait to get my hands on her book! I love the video don't you?!? (you don't have to include me in on the drawing) ;)

  3. Oohhh, of course I have to get in on this. What a blessing!

  4. OK... leave me out the give-away. I'm well familiar with the words and tired of reading them:)

    Thank you for the kind words and for blessing my heart with your life. I've loved getting to know you over these past years, and the recipes and craft ideas have been an added bonus to my limited giftedness along these lines.

    You are a true, kindred spirit and one day we'll share that copy of coffee!


  5. You have introduced me to many special blogs, and now this one. I look forward to visiting her and even more so, to reading her newly released book. It continually amazes me how God gives His children gifts and then provides the means for them to share those gifts, as a blessing to His children. The cover she chose to use is so perfect. Thank you for sharing this with us, and for the privilege of maybe winning this book. You are truly a kind and generous person.


I'm so happy you stopped by! I welcome and greatly value your comments, thoughts and suggestions. Have a blessed day!