I’ve been thinking about the mission of my blog for a number of days, asking the Lord to help me put words to it. In all honesty, it's pretty simple. The mission of "My Cup Runneth Over" is to encourage others and share the hope, joy and love of Jesus, through the overflow of my very grateful heart.
I am extraordinarily blessed. So often in my life, I’ve seen God’s hand move in incredible ways. When I ponder everything this holy God has done for me (a very broken vessel), my heart feels such overwhelming love and gratitude, I can’t possibly keep it to myself! I want to tell everyone about Him, His amazing love and how He can change your life!
I began sharing what God had done and was doing in my life as He presented opportunities. First, it was with my middle school girls, then to the women in my Bible study, as well as other friends and family. Still, I felt restless. There were many stories longing to be shared, yet just as sure as I know God made me an encourager, I’m even more sure He did not make me a public speaker. (Sidenote here...He knows I'm willing should that ever be His plan for me...but He and I also know it would require much in the way of His divine help!)
I asked Him to show me what He wanted me to do. He reminded me one day that writing notes of encouragement was one of my favorite ways to share the His love. Was He telling me to write more notes? To someone specific? He then seemed to say “why not simply ‘write notes’ of encouragement, tell the stories of how I’m working in your life, and then trust Me to bring those who need that message?" He soon drew me to this avenue of faith. Soon thereafter, I read Romans 15:13 (NLT) "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Choosing that verse as my foundation, "My Cup Runneth Over" was born.
It is my prayer that those who read my blog will sense that I am a humble student of the Bible, with so much left to learn. I also pray the gratitude that flows from my heart is unmistakable in everything I write. Lastly, and most importantly, I pray what you read here encourages your heart, and fills you with the hope, joy and peace of Christ.
I am extraordinarily blessed. So often in my life, I’ve seen God’s hand move in incredible ways. When I ponder everything this holy God has done for me (a very broken vessel), my heart feels such overwhelming love and gratitude, I can’t possibly keep it to myself! I want to tell everyone about Him, His amazing love and how He can change your life!
I began sharing what God had done and was doing in my life as He presented opportunities. First, it was with my middle school girls, then to the women in my Bible study, as well as other friends and family. Still, I felt restless. There were many stories longing to be shared, yet just as sure as I know God made me an encourager, I’m even more sure He did not make me a public speaker. (Sidenote here...He knows I'm willing should that ever be His plan for me...but He and I also know it would require much in the way of His divine help!)
I asked Him to show me what He wanted me to do. He reminded me one day that writing notes of encouragement was one of my favorite ways to share the His love. Was He telling me to write more notes? To someone specific? He then seemed to say “why not simply ‘write notes’ of encouragement, tell the stories of how I’m working in your life, and then trust Me to bring those who need that message?" He soon drew me to this avenue of faith. Soon thereafter, I read Romans 15:13 (NLT) "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Choosing that verse as my foundation, "My Cup Runneth Over" was born.
It is my prayer that those who read my blog will sense that I am a humble student of the Bible, with so much left to learn. I also pray the gratitude that flows from my heart is unmistakable in everything I write. Lastly, and most importantly, I pray what you read here encourages your heart, and fills you with the hope, joy and peace of Christ.
Special thanks to Angela of Becoming Me for giving us the opportunity to consider and share our blog missions.
Thank you, Tracy. As I read your words about being an encourager, I felt a kindredship. Although, it has not always been obvious to me, I've come to believe it is my gift (or one of them...I hope I have more). Many people over the years have commented to me how I always send cards for birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, illness, etc. I began to hear them say "you are such an encourager", you always send cards. For years, I made cards on my computer, individually for each person. I longer do that as it is overwhelming and consuming. I do have a basket of assorted cards. I love to send cards with a note. Of course, these days, I also send many emails for those who have it. I think it can have the same effect but I still resort to the good old fashion postal mail.
When you said you know God did not give you the gift for public speaking, I chuckled. Not sure why but I think because in the depts of my heart, I would desire to do that, though I do not see myself being able to do that. So, I'm not sure if that's a far-fetched dream (like those who love to sing, admit they can't carry a tune, but would love to sing professionally). We shall see if it's my dream or God's.
I do find encouragement, love, and warmth from your blog. You are genuine.
When I read this posting it seemed all to similar to mine. I realize how God leads us step by step. Just when we become comfortable with what we are doing, God seems to prompt us to step out into a higher level. I too began my ministry with ministering to young girls which developed into a mentoring ministry for me, which eventually lead to me becoming a licensed minister. Along this journey, I was not sure how God wanted to use me next, then I began writing weekly devotionals. After that point, God was leading me to something more and as a tool to reach a wider audience for His glory. It is great that we are all able to share the beauty and wonder of a God so large that we all can be used if we are submitted to His will. Continue to be encouraged.
Minister Mamie L. Pack
That is SO what your blog is!!
And your comments on mine are always, always an encouragement :)
Blessings to you.
EVERYONE needs a good encourager in their lives.
How awesome that Papa God has put it on your heart to encourage others.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
That is the PERFECT mission for your blog...because it's obvious that encouragement is one of your gifts. I, for one, am always encouraged by reading your comments and your posts. Julie said what I was going to say...EVERYONE needs encouragement, and it's always a blessing to be a recipient.
Yes my dear friend Tracy...that's what you are...an encourager throuh this blog, through your words, through HIS WORD, through you FLOWS and OVERFLOWS! I'm so glad that you joined the Mission Tour!!! I enjoyed watching this part of your story emerge and rise one step higher...watch out what you sidenote. You have opportunities galore right here and you do minister as you hope.
More of HIM, less of us...is what WE are about and uplift the brokenness of others! I don't flow like you because of my Mazes & Messes that's why I needed a focus like Isaiah 61...isn't it something how God uses any part of our little lives:good or bad become good...to serve others & bless them. HE IS SO GLORIOUS!
I can so see you writing all these notes...so we must stop thanking each other and THANK Jesus for our friendship through WORDS! Be blessed as always...Peggy
BTW did I ever tell you or did you read that my adopted daughter is TRACY...maybe I'm hoping that one day she would be like you! So meanwhile, when I read your words to me...allow me to think that they come from her as well! She had a season when she would make little notes to me...now I can't even get one email year...on any day! Oh, the trials of being a mom,
Please pray for her on occasion.
What a wonderful bloggy mission! I'm so glad has encouraged you to be an encourager! In a world where everyone is so critial, encouragment is something we so desperately need!
Hugs and prayers!
You are a wonderful encourager and certainly live up to your mission statement. Your blog is a joy. Thank you so much for participating. Angela
You are definately an encouraging woman! Thank you for your lovely little comments on my blog! :)
You are all this and more. You are an encourager and have blessed my life through your words. Thanks for being a blogging friend of the best kind.
What a great mission for your blog! I really like your blog name and your encouraging posts.
You and your blog has been a great encouragement to me and many others! Thank God for making you and your blog such a blessing. May He continue to guide and bless your labours of love for Him.
Thank you for visiting my blog today and blessing me with the gift of encouragement flowing through you. The words Papa gave you for me hit the spot.
They are a beautiful gift. Thank you for allowing Him to speak through you.
Yes, His unearned love is unlike anything I have ever tasted before. I have known about him my whole life of 50 years, I have been following him for 28 years...and most of my time was spent being a "religous woman" trying to perform and strive to perfection to hopefully pay Him back for loving me.
And then He came for me.....
I have not been the same since. I am ruined for the ordinary. Oh the sweet, sweet love of God, freely given. What a treasure is is to rest in His embrace and His finished work in me.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll come again.
Love your post on your blog mission. You are such an encourager to me, but also look at all the others you've encouraged through God.
Be Blessed and continue blessing others through Christ on this journey we call life!
Love ya,
Tracy, I loved your post! You have defined "encourager" and your mission is truly being carried out in your blog. God bless you for the way you have encouraged and inspired me. May God continue to work through you and as your cup runneth over for Him.
Hi Tracy!
I love to write notes of encouragement too, or get well cards to people who are sick at church, etc. I feel that writing notes and a cards are a wonderful way to care and show Jesus to people! I love going to the local Christian bookstore or Hallmark or Papyrus or shops like that and finding special cards for people. Birthday cards are fun to send too, especially to bless people who might not expect to get one!
Hey Tracy,
Well your mission has been accomplished!! You are truly a blessing, and encourager to so many.
Your gratefulness runs through all your posts!
So blessed the Lord allowed our paths to cross!
Press on!!!
I think God is smiling down on you from ear to ear my friend.
Love ya,
Hi Tracy, thanks again for sharing God's goodness to you and what you are learning from Him with us. Thanks too for all your encouragements to me and many others. May God continue to make you a blessing to many in your various gifted ways.
There is an award waiting for you on my blog :-)
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