Are you like me? Do you just love receiving a hand-made gift? It represents an investment of two valuable & time. Last month, a dear blogging friend sent me something
absolutely precious she had made for me, and it touched my heart so! It continues to make me smile
everytime I look at it, and it's a great reminder to keep her in my prayers.
love making things for people. My problem? I suffer from lack of creative ideas, limited crafting abilities and time. My solution? Seeking out (other people's) cute ideas (within my crafty comfort zone) that I can re-create (especially during these winter months). That being said, I got really excited when I saw this
Work of the Hands Pay-it-Forward Challenge on
Amydeanne's blog (160 Acre Woods). She took the challenge from
Lori (All You Have to Give) and
Krista (Scraps in Bloom). Here is how it works.
The first 3
bloggers to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand-made item from me. Those 3
bloggers promise to post this challenge on
their blog (meaning they too will ‘pay-it-forward’, creating a handmade gift for the first 3
bloggers that leave a comment on their blog!!) That's a lot of hand-made love being passed around! ; )
Here's the part I got really excited about...the gift can be
anything you choose and
any price range and you have
365 days to make/ship your item. No worries if you're outside the U.S., I don't mind international shipping. Are you up for it? What do you say?